Smart Health Solutions

Our Services

Our Services

What We Guarenteed

We guarantee all our customers with the best service we have provided to our customers

Identify Injury

We perform an injury examination first on the patient

Perform Treatment

Perform the physiotherapy treatment process to our patients with very carefully


Follow-up Treatment

Perform follow -up treatment on our patients if still needed

Health screening & physical examination

Health screening & physical examination

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Advisory & consultancy

Advisory & consultancy

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Out-patient clinic refferal

Out-patient clinic refferal

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House call visit

House call visit

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Health screening & physical examination

Health screening & physical examination

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Advisory & consultancy

Advisory & consultancy

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Out-patient clinic refferal

Out-patient clinic refferal

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House call visit

House call visit

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In-house physiotherapy program

In-house physiotherapy program

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Management of cases related to Musculoskeletal Disorders

Management of cases related to Musculoskeletal Disorders

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Ergonomic advices on work related Musculoskeletal injuries case

Ergonomic advices on work related Musculoskeletal injuries case

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In-house physiotherapy program

In-house physiotherapy program

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Management of cases related to Musculoskeletal Disorders

Management of cases related to Musculoskeletal Disorders

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Ergonomic advices on work related Musculoskeletal injuries case

Ergonomic advices on work related Musculoskeletal injuries case

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Smart Health Solutions

House call visit

Medic Physio team are equipped to provide most of the treatments that are administered in a clinic and center. Our clients also can receive therapy in their own environment whether at home or office. Our team also liase with doctor for clients who need medical assistance.

Benefits Of House Call Visit


Post operation rehabilitation

Early rehabilitation is very important after operation (e.g. total hip replacement, knee replacement, amputation and fracture).

Some medical conditions need long-term physiotherapy

Such as chronic persistent pain, stroke, parkinson, spinal cord injury, paralysed & etc.

Acute attack of musculoskeletal injuries

Which cause clients unable to leave their homes (e.g trauma, slip disc attack, sprain & strain & etc).

Busy clients

Medic Physio team offering a prompt efficient treatment at a time and place dictated by clients.

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